Tuesday 31 December 2013

new year poem

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2014 with love from the Daly'sxxx

Our memories we take, new dreams we make
On the dawn of this New Year we awake.

Hopes, aspirations, inspirations, we wish they will all come true!
As we banish our worries into the blue.

The stars watch over us, guiding from afar.
Lighting the way, the door ajar.

Go forth and follow your dreams, over mountains and streams
Make this your time, as the clock bells chime.

Happy New Year.xxx

Friday 27 December 2013

Friends to play and exploring collage

In between all the festivities, it has been lovely watching Jasmin carry on crafting and playing with her friends.

We spent time looking at collage and the different materials you are able to use.   We will explore this more as part of an going project in January.

One of the presents Jasmin received, was a jewellery box to decorate using gems by numbers which so far is looking lovely.

Monday 16 December 2013

its amazing what you do first thing in a morning.

This morning has been one of those lovely times you really appreciate being at home. Jasmin helped me tidy her room.  (Yeah!!)  She spent time colouring in her Christmas cards for her friends whilst listening to Paddington Bear on Audio CD.    I had forgotten how fab audio books are!  Of course she had her obligatory warm honey milk next to her.(I managed to get the washing and dishes done whilst she was busy).

She then picked up my crochet hook and started to try to crochet by herself.  She did really well.  I managed to help a bit but my crochet skills are not good.  Something I need to work on in the new year!!

We then got ready for athletics.  I wasn't sure Jasmin would be going as she is still not on full strength but she went off with her friend Isabelle, and was really happy.

Time for me to wrap presents whilst I have an empty house!!xx

Jasmin's athletics Certificate.xx

Wednesday 11 December 2013

poorly day

Today we stayed at home, Jasmin and I woke with sore throats and temperatures.

We had a mixture of snuggling on the sofa, watching Annie the Movie and playing board games.  Luckily Jasmin's new game came "Fairyoply"  It is a shorter version of monopoly and very child friendly.  Jasmin loved learning the fairies names.  On the backs of the cards it gives an introduction to each of the fairies.

 One of our other favourites snakes and ladders.

Jasmin then crafted a button sculpture and is now snuggled under a blanket on the sofa watching winx club.

Monday 9 December 2013

Music In The Round - Stan and Mabel

This morning, we went to Music In The Round at the Octagon Centre at the University.  It was just brilliant.  The children were taken on an interactive musical journey, where they got to sing, do lots of actions and one of the best bits - the morning's performance was being recorded to put on a CD!

Stan and Mabel are a music-loving dog and cat who set off on a journey to find their flute-playing neighbour who has disappeared – only to find she has gone to judge ‘The Best Orchestra in the World’ competition and that they’ll be forming an amazing animal orchestra of their own! A brilliant introduction to classical music, the concert also features companion pieces by Wagner, Mozart and Delibes.

Friday 6 December 2013

Chatsworth just an amazing day out.

Today we went to Chatsworth with Beth, Autumn and Evan and had an amazing time.

First, we went into the small petting area where the children held guinea pigs and fed them hay. Evan really loved the guinea pigs.  It was really sweet.

Afterwards they had a race through the tunnel into the playground where they just had a great time.  Jasmin went down the big spiral slide after seeing Autumn zoom down it.  She also persevered on the ropes which was great to see.

 The gardens are just amazing, there is always something different to see every time you go.  Jasmin, Autumn and Evan had a fab time climbing and exploring.  In one area of trees, willow had been woven in between them and it was just stunning.
Evan just going so high

Jasmin and Autumn 
amazing willow structure

 The house was decorated on the theme of Narnia and wow, the children did have an enchanting time.  Looking out for Aslan, dressing up, dancing, making tea. what more can I say.  Just go and see it if you can.xx

Jasmin going through the wardrobe
The start of the journey
Time for tea
amazing fossils

The snow queen
The banquet table

 Thank you Bethxx

Carol Service

Tonight Jasmin sang in her first carol concert at church.  She had worked really hard in learning the songs and had a great time.
The church was decorated with Christmas trees from all the local community groups linked to the church and it looked stunning.   Most of the decorations were all handmade.
You can choose to buy a tree and the money raised from the trees is given to charity.

Sunday 1 December 2013

A trip to buy presents for the Women's Refuge.

Yesterday, Jasmin and I went into town to buy presents for the women's refuge charity.  The toys and presents are brought into church in a special service and then given out to the charity later in the week.

We spent a lot of time talking together about what Christmas means this week, and how lucky we really are.   Jasmin asked lots of questions and gave a lot of thought into her chosen present.  She chose a teddy as it would be ok for either a boy or a girl and said that everybody loves a teddy.  For the mums we chose some shower gel, and body lotion along with a hair brush.  I was originally going to buy bubble bath for the mums present, but Jasmin said they may not have a bath, very perceptive I thought.

Walking through the town centre we stopped at the War Memorial, which had lots of poppies and crosses on, again this lead to lots of discussions about people who had lost loved ones helping us to live in a safer world.

Jasmin also wanted to put some money into the Macmillan charity. Somebody was walking around the centre as part of his sponsored walk to raise money for such a fantastic charity.  Jasmin was given the opportunity for a photo with one of the olympic torches.

Finishing off, we went through Orchard Square where there was a book stall giving out free books. Jasmin chose a book: 'Jesus Loves You', and it turned out to be a colouring book so she was very happy, and the gentleman, who was representing a local church,  also gave her a pencil.

His church does this every year.  It was lovely for Jasmin to also receive a gift  and to know what it feels like to receive something special and unexpected.

A very reflective and rewarding day .xxx

Where has the time gone?

It seems ages since we have written on our blog, time is just flying by. As well as our usual weekly activities, of athletics, gymnastics, dance, piano, skating and meeting friends. Here is  a snippet of what we have been up too in the past couple of weeks.

Jasmin has joined the church choir, and is really enjoying it.

We have had our house replastered and now are trying to get it all decorated before Christmas.  Jasmin's room is looking good, she really enjoyed helping with the stencilling.

 We watched Alice in Wonderland at the Montgomery Theatre and it was a fab performance, with the use of puppets.  Lots of audience participation too.

Instead of watching a Christmas panto this year we went to the arena to see Dare to Dream, Disney on Ice which was just amazing.  I am in total awe of the skaters.  Jasmin dressed up and was so excited.  This was one performance where we just didn't want it to end.

Looking forward to watching the Nutcracker now in the new year!!

We went to Wentworth Woollen Mill with some friends, wow what an amazing place.  They had every conceivable colour.  I came back with some fleece for weaving blankets, another project to start!  Jasmin chose some lovely pink and purple fleeces, so I  think the looms will be back out soon.

Our rag rug cushion is nearly finished, Jasmin just needs to add a border now. This is a really addictive craft.

Jasmin has really wanted to concentrate on her reading,  we have had plenty of time to snuggle on the settee and really progress.  She is so happy and her confidence has grown so much.  I feel really blessed that I have that time with her to work on the areas Jasmin wants to learn without pressure or stress.

We have also been crafting still for Christmas, making Christmas crackers, felt decorations, paper chains and snowflakes.  

In between our activities we have been taking our dog, Sascha to dog training on a one to one basis.  The progress she is making is amazing.  Last week at training, we did some retrieving work by hiding  her ball in long grass and walking away in the opposite direction with her and then asked her to fetch, which she did. She also did fab on her waiting and recall.  No stopping her now.   Jasmin gets to ask the trainer lots of questions too who is full of fab facts on how a dog thinks and behaves in a certain way.

No wonder the days are flying by!!!

Home Made Christmas Tree

We decided to have a go at making a small Christmas tree for Jasmin to put up in her bedroom.

Materials needed:

Polystyrene cone
Assortment of ribbons
Pearl pins.

First we cut the ribbons into strips and folded one in half and pinned it into place, (with the pins going downwards in order to stop them from sticking out).  We repeated this down the cone covering all the polystyrene and finished it off with a small bird at the top.

Jasmin was really happy with the result. A fun quick Christmas craft

finished tree