Wednesday 21 January 2015

crafty daysxx

We have been settling into our new years routine and it is going really well.  We are making time to be at home after our early morning skate.  This means Jasmin can have her down time and this usual involves craft and I can get the washing and other things I need to get sorted before lunch.

Jasmin went to a pottery group before Christmas and absolutely loved it.  She had the chance to make egg cups and a door number plate, she also made lots of small items for her dolls house.  She really enjoyed using the potters wheel.

Unfortunately, we don't have a potters wheel at home but I have bought her some fimo clay which she is loving using and is creating different animals with it.

 We have also picked up Jasmin's knitting again, she is keen to get her brownie hobby badge.

Monday 19 January 2015

Becoming a Vegan

Jasmin has made the decision to become a vegan.  She has always been a vegetarian but now feels she wants to take the next step further.

I tried a vegan diet a while ago but went back to being a vegetarian.  I am now looking forward to starting the vegan journey again with Jasmin.

We have enjoyed looking through cook books together and working out what we would like to eat.  Our favourite cook books are they are really good, particularly the smoothies...

Jasmin has also read vegan is love
This book has led to so many questions being asked for example why is animal testing used, should we visit zoos and aquariums? climate change etc...

We have had some really in-depth talks and I am amazed at how much independent thought she has.

Today we made vegan brownies and they turned out great.  Really healthy and easy to make.